Friday, August 24, 2007

3rd Prenatal Appointment Update

I saw the midwife again today for another routine check-up. I have lost 1/2 pound since my last appointment (yea!), my blood pressure was good, etc. We heard the baby's heartbeat again today and it was nice and strong. She found it right away, as the baby has definitely moved up a bit. I've noticed my pants are tighter! I also asked her about my cold. She said that she has done a lot of research on the immune system during pregnancy and has discovered that it is a bit lowered so the body doesn't attack the baby. So, what takes a person 7 to 10 days to get over, will take a pregnant lady about 14 to 20 days. She said to give my cold another week, and if it doesn't clear up to call them and she would check me out again. The biggest news of the day is that on September 20, 2007, we will find out the sex of our baby!! That is when my 20 week ultrasound and appointment is. We have to go downtown to Christ hospital for it, and I will have to see another doctor in the practice, instead of the midwife, for this appointment. This all seems so surreal to me, like it is happening to someone else (but I'm very glad it's happening to me!!). Perhaps it is just because I'm still living in a tunnel (plugged ear). It has popped a few times today, so I'm taking that as a sign that it is trying to clear up. Andrew issued me a challenge today to try and drink 16 cups of water. A little tea is part of that. I've had about 6 1/2 cups so far, so I've just got to keep pace. It's probably good for me to keep swallowing.

Ok, that's all for now. I can't wait until our next appointment!!!!! :)

1 comment:

D said...

Get well soon, Jaime! Praying for you!