Tuesday, November 08, 2005

What is happening?!

Wow, so I can't write long. I am at work and can't really express anything in this post otherwise I will probably being crying, again. Several of my co-workers have choked up this morning causing me to spiral downward into the whyarewedoingthiscan'twejuststaydowereallywantthis syndrome. It will be such a huge change for me. I just hope that I am ready. I did tell my boss this morning. He acted like he was having a heart attack. Quite funny, really. Anyway, I guess it is nice to know that people think they can't survive without me and that I will be missed. Can I really do this? More later. . .


Anonymous said...

I feel your mixed feelings. Everytime I've moved (from college, from DC, from MN) I've wanted to cry as soon as I got excited. It's one of those crazy times of life when you can't wait for the new but so want to hold on to the old.

Unknown said...

So, do you have any advice?

Anonymous said...

I too am thrilled that you too are moving and I know it is all part of God's plan. I know it is very hard and mixed emotions are par for the course. Having moved many times in my life, the one bit of advice I have is pray, then wait and listen. The second is make sure you surround yourself with as much family as possible. That will be easy in OH, but make sure your family in KS knows to visit then make sure you visit them too (that part gets hard as then homesickness hits - at least it does for me). But the bottom line is pray, stay in touch with family in KS and jump in the deep end with family (and your interests, like the music Dad mentioned that is available in Middletown). One last thought (besides also loving the pajamas!). I read this the other day and thought of us (because I know we share some of the same worry issues) "Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow;the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it." St. Francis de Sales (I read it in "In This Mountain" by Jan Karon. Love you both very much - hang in there and enjoy each moment as it comes, even when it is painful....Linda

Anna said...

I'm so excited for this next step in your lives, but also understand your pain at leaving Sterling. It's so hard to move, to uproot everything that's familiar. But it's all about trusting God and knowing that you are in His care, even though you won't get to see your mom as often. I do wonder how Sterling will ever survive without you, though :o)
Have a good day - enjoy your last days at SC...love you.

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the comments, guys. It is nice to hear from all of you, Amy, Linda, and Anna since you all are experienced movers!! Anna, I don't know how you did it . . . moving overseas but it is encouraging to me . . .because we are still good friends and we live a LONG ways away from each other so that gives me hope that I won't lose contact with others as well. Thanks for all of your comments. They are really blessing me and giving me support! Linda - I LOVE the quote and I started rereading the Mitford series myself last night. I was so comforting, just like an old friend.

Unknown said...

I promise I won't read over your shoulder so it will be a surprise when I check my blog. I don't want you to stop commenting.